
Since May 2010, the historical data has been collected by the Department of Regional History of the Department of History of the CAU and processed systematically for the online presence. The Communications Systems working group of the Institute of Computer Science created a data collection based on the Semantic Web, which makes it possible to link supra-regional contents and information to the Kiel professors. The catalog entries contain information on the biography, the academic profile and the social activities of the Kiel professors.

The project was successfully published in 2015 as part of the 350th anniversary of the University of CAU. Since then, scientists and the interested public have access to information on the scientific profiles and social activities of professors from Kiel. The project is supported by the University Library Kiel and currently by the computer center of the CAU. Within the project the interdisciplinary cooperation between history and computer science is successfully tested. Kiel Directory of Scholars is the bearer of the Kai-Uwe von Hassel Förderpreis 2017.


Photo of the Team v. l. n. r.: Thorge Petersen, Karen Bruhn, Nele Dittrich, Lisa Bittner, Prof. Dr. Oliver Auge
Former project managers:
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Luttenberger
  • Dr.-Ing. Jesper Zedlitz
  • Dr. Swantje Piotrowski
Former project staff:
Ricarda Richter, Thomas Griskiewitz, Alexander Clausen, Lisa Kragh, Alexander Prange, Matthias Jürgensen